Programs for Spiritual Wellness
ORSL is a place to foster spiritual wellness as you tend to a holistic well-being of body, mind and spirit. Explore ways to foster spiritual wellness as you tend to a holistic well-being of body, mind and spirit. Join a yoga or mindfulness meditation session, discover compassionate communities of care in times of stress and uncertainty, and forge a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life.

Academic Courses for Spiritual Wellness
Explore these accredited courses taught by staff from the Office for Religious and Spiritual Life.

Contemplative Programs
ORSL offers many opportunities for contemplative practice including yoga and meditation.

Rathbun Program for a Meaningful Life
The Harry and Emilia Rathbun Programs for Exploring What Leads to a Meaningful Life offer myriad of opportunities to explore what matters most.

Talk With a Chaplain
In need of emotional, spiritual, or existential support or guidance?
Stanford University Chaplains are confidential resources specifically trained to employ non-sectarian, non-judgmental listening, support, and accompaniment in spiritual, existential and emotional care. There are no hidden religious or spiritual agendas! They specialize in being fully present with you in your experiences and feelings. Whatever they may be.