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Visiting Information

Starting November 18:
Memorial Church Updated Open Visiting Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM
Friday, 9 AM - 1 PM*
*Impacted schedule on Fridays due to private reservation. If there are no reservations, then the church will be open for visiting until 5 PM. Tours on Fridays at 11 AM.

Memorial Church is closed for University holidays, University closures, services, and private events. Windhover Contemplative Center is currently closed. There is no expected re-opening date at this time.

About Memorial Church and Companion Spaces
Banner image featuring Christian icon in white against a cardinal red background.


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Abide Christian Fellowship 

  • Christian: Baptist
  • Affiliation: Bridgeway Church of Silicon Valley
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: We are a community earnest about following Jesus and living a life rooted in the Word. Inspired by John 15:4, we aim to create a community that abides in Christ, staying connected to Him as our source of faith, life, and love. We meet every week to study the Bible, have fun, talk about life, and build lasting friendships. Whether you're a Christian who wants to grow in your faith, or someone simply curious about what Christianity is all about, we welcome you to join us!
  • Social Media: 
  • Contact:

Soul Care at Stanford (Black Campus Ministries/BCM)

  • Evangelical (Inter-denominational)
  • Affiliation: InterVarsity USA
  • Description: SoulCare is a student-led small group of Black, African, and African American-identifying students that meets weekly for food, fellowship, and faith exploration & support. We welcome graduate and undergraduate students!
  • Contact Form
  • Contact: Denise-Margaret Thompson <>

Bridges International

  • Christian: Evangelical
  • Affiliation: Bridges International
  • Description: Bridges International is a ministry focused on helping international students and their families to thrive at Stanford by providing supportive relationships, activities, classes, cultural experiences, Bible studies, Christian mentoring, and the Good News of Jesus Christ. 
  • Social Media: 

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship (XA)

  • Christian: Evangelical
  • Affiliation: Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, USA - Assemblies of God
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: Chi Alpha (XA) is a community of students earnestly following Jesus. While our name is Greek, we're not a fraternity or sorority (though if you're seeking brotherhood or sisterhood, you can find it with us). Our weekly gatherings are full of joy, featuring vibrant music, frequent laughter, and Bible-based messages that explore everything from relationships to the nature of truth. We are sponsored by the Assemblies of God, and we welcome people from all backgrounds.
  • Our worship meetings are Wednesdays at 7:30pm (see website for location) and are streamed at 
  • Social Media: 
  • Contact:

Chinese Campus Evangelistic Fellowship

  • Christian: Evangelical
  • Affiliation: None
  • Description: Chinese Campus Evangelistic Fellowship (CCEF) is a Christian student organization at Stanford. CCEF believes that Jesus Christ is not only our Savior but also the Lord of our lives.
  • Social Media:

Catholic Student Association (Graduate)

  • Christian: Catholic
  • Affiliation: none
  • Description: Peace be with you! We are a group of Catholic graduate students from across different Stanford departments. Our mission is to empower you to flourish academically, socially, and spiritually by offering you opportunities to connect with the Catholic Faith and Tradition during your time at Stanford. Hallmarks of our group include weekly small groups, social events to meet other Catholic students, and volunteer opportunities to serve the greater Bay Area. Find out more about upcoming events by signing up for our mailing list below, check out more about our community on our website, and visit our home parish website for broader information here. Everyone is welcome!
  • Social Media: 
  • Contact:

Catholic Undergraduate Student Association

Christian Union Caritas

  • Christian: Non-denominational/evangelical
  • Affiliation: Christian Union 
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: The Christian Union Caritas at Stanford is a non-denominational fellowship that focuses on intensive study of the Bible and building a God-centered community through weekly small groups and worship gatherings. We aim to provide a space for Stanford students to seek God, explore the Christian faith, and develop their leadership skills through campus and community involvement. Students often make some of their best friends at Stanford in our weekly Bible courses, which are led by Christian Union ministry fellows and developed by biblical scholars specifically for students at schools like Stanford. We gather weekly for large group worship and teaching before dinner on Friday evenings and also meet with small groups for weekly Bible courses. You can also expect retreats, conferences, service opportunities, and social events throughout the year. We believe that Christian Union's emphasis on a scholarly approach to the Bible is well-suited for the intellectual curiosity that is characteristic of Stanford students. It is our hope that Stanford students from all backgrounds who want to read and interact with this influential, historical text — as well as develop deep, lifelong friendships — have a place on campus where they can do so.
  • Social Media: 
  • Contact:

Progressive Christians at Stanford: Episcopal Lutheran Campus Ministry (ELCM) 

  • Christian: Mainline Protestant
  • Affiliation: The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: A welcoming community of Christians and spiritual seekers who believe that questions are more important than answers. We welcome all persons and fully affirm the ministry of LGBTQ+ persons in the life of our community. Join us for our weekly program, Bread and Belonging, on Wednesdays at 6pm during the school year. See our website for more information!
  • Social Media: 
  • Contact: 

Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Action (FCAIA) 

  • Christian - Evangelical 
  • Affiliation: Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Athletes in Action 
  • Description: We are a Christian faith community open to all athletes (varsity, club, or anyone passionate about sports!). We desire to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. Join us as we continue learning what it means to be an apprentice of Jesus, to receive His free gift of grace, and to experience God in our sports! We gather as a large group on Monday nights for fellowship, worship, and teaching. We also offer Bible studies, one-on-one mentoring, and community events.
  • Social Media:  @fcaia_stanford
  • Contact:

First Love Stanford (FLS)

  • Christian 
  • Affiliation: First Love Church North America 
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: At First Love Church Stanford, we believe that everyone is welcome in the house of God. Our mission is to lift the name of Jesus high and to see lives changed, saved, and renewed through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are passionate about soul-winning and dedicated to creating a community where you can grow spiritually, build lasting friendships, and find a sense of belonging.
  • Contact:

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (undergrad)

  • Christian: Evangelical (inter-denominational) 
  • Affiliation: InterVarsity USA
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description:  We’re all about Growing the Family of God: learning how to know & love God and one another as we welcome new folks into relationship with Jesus. Our community is passionate about engaging God’s Word with curiosity, helping people experience belonging in spiritual community, and learning to embody our faith. We love asking questions and fostering spaces where we can bring the things we care about and invite our friends too. Whether you’re down for Jesus, wrestling with doubts & questions, or exploring spirituality for the first time, we hope you can find space to belong and grow in IV!

We host many different events throughout the year: prayer gatherings, games nights, study sessions, retreats, conferences, etc, in addition to these ongoing spaces:

- Family Group Bible Studies: weekly small groups led by students in the dorms, where we gather to be real with each other, engage our questions about God, and consider how to apply what we’re learning to our lives. Whether it’s your first time reading the Bible or you read it every day, all are welcome!           
- Community Gathering: every other Wednesday, 8-9:30pm: a space to re-center & ground ourselves mid-week by connecting with God & friends from across campus. You can expect a combo of prayer, story-sharing, teaching, games, musical worship, and other spiritual practices to help us explore the relevance of Jesus to our lives, families, and communities.           
- Members of our community attend a variety of local churches, so we also visit churches together and connect new students to people who coordinate rides.

If you're looking to find a church, learn about our events, meet up with an upperclassman, or chat with an InterVarsity staff minister, just fill out our contact form! 🫶

InterVarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship 

Latter-Day Saint Student Association (LDSSA)

  • Christian: Latter-Day Saint/Mormon
  • Affiliation: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: The Latter-day Saint Student Association (LDSSA) is the official student group for LDS (Mormon) students at Stanford. We welcome undergraduates, graduates, and students in professional schools (law, GSB, medical training at all stages), as well as their spouses and families. We come together for lunch and religious classes on weekdays, Family Home Evening on Monday evenings, church on Sundays, and other activities throughout the year.  While we are affiliated with the Menlo Park Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we welcome people of all backgrounds and perspectives to our activities and worship services. Activities are usually fun, informal, and casual with a consistent focus on building a Christ-centered community where everyone is welcome to participate.
  • Social Media:

Moment Christian Fellowship

  • Christian - Baptist
  • Affiliation: Acts2 Network
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: Moment Christian Fellowship is a Christian group that welcomes people from all spiritual backgrounds to come and explore matters of faith. Whether you’re an agnostic or atheist or a committed believer, we welcome you to join us as we create moments that matter: considering the deeper questions of life while forming meaningful relationships and having lots of fun along the way!
  • Social Media: Instagram: @moment.stanford
  • Contact: President: Abigail Maldonado (

Orthodox Christian Campus Ministries

  • Christian: Oriental Orthodox Christian
  • Affiliation: Orthodox Christian Campus Ministries
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: OCCM connects college students in faith, practice, community, and values with the Orthodox Christian Church throughout their collegiate journey through community life, prayer, service to others, and study of the Faith. OCCM supports students as they aim to develop and maintain a relationship with Christ throughout their college years. We pray together, reach out to the community through service and evangelism, and grow in the bond of love through fellowship with each other in the Holy Spirit.
  • Social Media:
  • Contact: Saron Samuel <>

Orthodox Christian Fellowship at Stanford (OCF)

  • Christian: Pan-Orthodox
  • Affiliation: Orthodox Christian Fellowship
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: Orthodox Christian Fellowship at Stanford (OCF) is a pan-Orthodox organization dedicated to exploring the Orthodox Christian faith, fostering spiritual growth for Orthodox Christians, and exposing the campus to the faith, cultures, and customs that are uniquely Orthodox. OCF is a dynamic group of students from many different backgrounds who share a common desire to learn more about the 2000-year traditions of the Orthodox Church. All those interested in learning about Orthodoxy, including non-Orthodox, are welcome!
  • To stay up to date with meeting times and announcements, join our GroupMe  

    Check out our email list: You can subscribe to a list by signing into


    During the quarter, you can expect:

1. Weekly meetings on topics of interest (with free food!)

2. Guest lectures from renowned Orthodox thinkers  

3. Divine Liturgies held at Stanford Memorial church

4. Book club discussions

Our meetings are one hour from week 2 through week 9.

Parakaleo Christian Ministries

  • Christian - Evangelical - Nondenominational
  • Affiliation: None
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: Parakaleo holds Bible studies and seminars with a focus on how Scripture applies to life's practical issues. Past topics have included:

    - What the Bible says about depression, and how to break free from it or help others       
    - How to overcome FOMO     
    - Wisdom for dealing with difficult roommate situations       
    - How to handle anxiety and stress     
    - How to find my purpose and calling in life       
    - and many other topics!

    Parakaleo's goal is to help students learn how to better study the Bible so they can apply it to their own daily life issues and relationships, and then be equipped to counsel others from the Bible under the guidance and empowering of the Holy Spirit. Led by advisors Steve and Erica Lawry, who have been active in Christian ministry at Stanford for 50 years. 

    Our Bible studies are on Tuesday nights from 7-9pm PT in Old Union Room 301. Please contact our student leaders to learn more.

  • Social Media: 
  • Contact:

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)

  • Christian: PCA
  • Affiliation: Reformed University Fellowship 
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: RUF is a student organization that seeks to share the light and life of Jesus with the larger campus community. It is a place for any student, regardless of background, belief, or lifestyle to come and discuss the claims of the Bible within a diverse community of people. College is a time in which many people are processing questions of purpose, life, and faith. We open the Bible weekly and sort through how scripture speaks into those questions.
  • RUF seeks to be a rest stop for tired Christians and a safe place for skeptics. We welcome and assume that in all of our meetings and events there are both Christians and non-Christians present. Come as you are. Be honest. Bring your doubts, hurts, shame, and sin- we want everyone to experience God’s rich grace, love, and compassion.
  • Social Media: 

Stanford Christian Students

  • Christian: Non-Denominational
  • Affiliation: Church in Palo Alto
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: Find friends for life and life in Christ with Stanford Christian Students! We are a warm and loving community where you can grow spiritually, develop a personal relationship with Jesus, and receive mentoring and shepherding. We love to read the Bible, seek to understand the Word in a deeper way, and practice to apply it to our daily life. Come and see (John 1:46)!
  • Social Media: 
  • Contact:

Veritas at Stanford

  • Christian: Ecumenical
  • Affiliation: None
  • 2024 Welcome Letter
  • Description: Our Mission is to foster conversations about the biggest questions we as individuals and as a society can ask. We achieve this by hosting public events where the Christian worldview is put in dialogue with other perspectives in a context of mutual respect and shared pursuit of wisdom. This group is affiliated with the Veritas Forum.
  • Social Media:
  • Contact: