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Visiting Information

Starting November 18:
Memorial Church Updated Open Visiting Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM
Friday, 9 AM - 1 PM*
*Impacted schedule on Fridays due to private reservation. If there are no reservations, then the church will be open for visiting until 5 PM. Tours on Fridays at 11 AM.

Memorial Church is closed for University holidays, University closures, services, and private events. Windhover Contemplative Center is currently closed. There is no expected re-opening date at this time.

About Memorial Church and Companion Spaces
Stanford aerial photo. Credit: MichaelVi / Deposit Photos

Academic Courses for Spiritual Wellness

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Find out more information about the courses offered by the Office for Religious & Spiritual Life. 

Cardinal Red Decorative Accent
Meeting the Moment Fall 2024; Course Information on webpage.
Offered Fall 2024 - 1 Unit

LEAD 124: Leadership Development for Meeting the Moment: Practices and Pedagogy

Tuesdays 1:30 - 3:20 pm

Instructors: Diane Friedlaender, Colleen Hallagan Preuninger

In the face of political, social, economic, environmental, and public health upheavals, many of us are grappling with uncertainty, isolation, and stress affecting academic and day-to-day life. In this course students will be supported in engaging in their own exploration and developing their capacities to be Student Facilitators for the winter and spring Meeting the Moment course, LIFE/ WELLNESS 105. We will draw on creative and embodied practices derived from psychology, spirituality, and storytelling to build skills for navigating isolation, uncertainty, stress, and help improve self-regulation, holistic learning, resilience, and creative confidence. In this course students will explore and learn to synthesize these capacities, and develop pedagogical skills for sharing knowledge, experience, and community building in the classroom. Enrollment by consent of the instructor.

Meeting the Moment Winter/Spring 2025; Course information on webpage.
Offered Winter & Spring 2025 - 1-2 Units WAY-CE

LIFE 105/WELLNESS 105: Meeting the Moment: Inner Resources for Hard Times

Tuesdays 1:30 - 3:20 pm

Instructors: Marissa Floro, Colleen Hallagan Preuninger, Diane Friedlander (Winter 2025), Gigi Otalvaro (Spring 2025)

In the face of social, economic, environmental, and public health upheavals, many of us are experiencing an unprecedented degree of uncertainty, isolation, and stress affecting academic and day-to-day life. Challenging times ask us, in a voice louder than usual, to identify sources of strength and develop practices that sustain and even liberate. In this experiential, project-oriented class: Explore practices to find true ground and enact positive change for self and community; Cultivate natural capacities of presence, courage, and compassion; Develop resources to share with one another and the entire Stanford community.

LEAD 114; Course information on webpage.
Offered Fall 2024 - 2 Units

LEAD 114: More than an Athlete: Intersectionality, Identity, and Wellbeing in sport

Thursdays 10:30 - 11:50 AM

Instructor: Toni Kokenis

Being an athlete provides us with a unique opportunity for leadership both within our team and beyond. In this experiential and discussion-based course, we will reflect critically on who we are behind our athlete identities - how do the other visible and invisible identities we carry intersect to shape our athlete experience? While we may all identify as Stanford athletes, no one athlete's experience is the same. With an emphasis on the importance of self-awareness and storytelling, students will look beyond their talents in their sports to reflect on how all their identities intersect and affect their positionality within Stanford and the surrounding community. As a class we will specifically look at how gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, mental health, and disability interact with one's identity as an athlete. Using the Marshall Ganz framework for public narrative, students will explore who they are beyond their athlete identity, what it means to be a Stanford athlete, and how the athlete community can come together to address challenges they face. Students will leave with tangible leadership skills in coaching and public narrative to allow them to better know themselves, find their voice, and learn how to use their voice for positive social change within the Stanford community. This class is specifically designed for varsity and club athletes.

Designing Your Spiritual Life; course information on webpage.
Offered Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 - 2 Units

ENGR 104R/ENGR 204R: Designing Your Spiritual Life

Fall 2024
Wednesdays 5:30 - 7:20 PM
Building 550, Studio 1
Instructors: Junaid Aziz, Amina Darwish, Kathleen Davies

Spring 2025
Tuesdays 4:30 - 6:20 PM
Instructors: Junaid Aziz, William Burnett, Amina Darwish

The Stanford Life Design Lab applies human centered design thinking to tackling the "wicked" problems of life and vocational wayfinding. Designing Your Spiritual Life will introduce the innovative problem-solving methodology of design thinking within the context of "life design for students with a spiritual focus," with two main objectives: 1. to serve as an affinity space for students who have a spiritual tradition that informs their life view, to approach the wicked questions of life with a structured framework that helps them to process the various challenges that are unique to their college and life experiences as a potential religious minority, and 2. to equip these students with practical ideas and tools with which they can proactively craft their post-undergraduate vocational and life experiences. This class includes seminar-style and small-group discussions, activities, personal written reflections, guest speakers, and individual mentoring/coaching. Designing Your Spiritual Life will be co-taught by Junaid Aziz from the Design Group, the Life Design Lab, and Dr. Amina Darwish from the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, and will include guest speakers - chaplains, priests, and spiritual leaders from the Office for Religious and Spiritual Life.

Silhouette of faces made from different colored papers
Offered Fall 2024 - 2-4 Units

URBANST 127A: Community Organizing: People, Power & Change

Thursdays, 3:00 - 5:50 PM 
CIRCLE Seminar Room (Third Floor of Old Union, Room 301)

Instructors: Toni Kokenis, Rabbi Laurie Hahn Tapper

Organizers ask three questions: who are my people, what challenges do they face, and how can they turn their resources into the power they need to meet these challenges? Organizing requires leadership: accepting responsibility for enabling others to achieve shared purpose in the face of uncertainty. Organizers identify, recruit, and develop leadership; build community around that leadership; and build power from the resources of that community. In this fellowship course, students will build their coaching and leadership skills to support other students in the craft of community organizing. Students will be introduced to the five core leadership practices: public narrative, building relationships, structure, strategy, and action. In the first module, students will learn what coaching is and how to coach one another through leadership challenges. We will then focus on public narrative in the context of organizing. Students will learn to tell their own public narrative, coach one another on their public narratives, and learn how to use public narrative to analyze responses to leadership challenges. Students will receive the opportunity to coach other students at a public narrative workshop week 4 of the quarter. We will build off of the knowledge and skills students gain in the first module by diving into the remaining leadership practices: relationships, structure, strategy, and action. Students will apply the organizing principles by viewing the fellowship experience as a campaign - who is our constituency? What is our strategic goal? How will we reach it? Students will leave the retreat with a draft of our collective strategic plan. In the remaining three sessions, students will take the lead in facilitating and practicing the activities and skills modeled during the retreat in preparation for coaching at the Winter Intensive.

Silhouette of faces made from different colored papers
Offered Winter 2025 - 3 Units

URBANST/CSRE/ETHICSOC/LEAD 127B: Leadership, Organizing and Action: Intensive

Instructors: Toni Kokenis, Rabbi Laurie Hahn Tapper

Two Consecutive Weekend Course: Community Organizing makes a difference in addressing major public challenges that demand full engagement of the citizenry, especially those whose voices are marginalized. In this course you will learn and practice the leadership skills needed to mobilize your communities for positive social change. We identify leadership as accepting responsibility to enable others to achieve shared purpose in the face of uncertainty. As organizers you will learn how to develop capacity within your community and analyze power dynamics to develop a strategic plan. By the end of this course, you will create an organizing campaign that builds power rooted in the resources of your community. The class will be an intensive held the first two weekends of winter quarter, Jan 10-12 and Jan 17-19, 2025. Class begins on Friday in the afternoon and runs through early Sunday evening. 

Silhouette of faces made from different colored papers
Offered Fall 2024

URBANST 127D: Storytelling for Leadership, Organizing, and Action

Friday, October 18, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Sunday, October 20, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

CIRCLE (Third Floor of Old Union)

This experiential course introduces students to the leadership practice of public narrative - a storytelling tool for social change. To lead is to accept responsibility for enabling others to achieve shared purpose in the face of uncertainty. Through narrative we can learn to access the moral - or emotional - resources to respond to the challenges of an uncertain world - as individuals, as communities and as nations. Responding to urgent challenges mindfully - with agency - requires courage rooted in our ability to draw on hope over fear; empathy over alienation; and self-worth over self-doubt. While leading with authenticity requires understanding our own sources of hope and courage, it also pushes us to look beyond ourselves to form intentional relationships with others so that together we can address urgent challenges facing our community. Grounded in a pedagogy of reflective practice and experiential learning, each component of the practicum is sequenced as explanation, modeling, practicing, and debriefing. Students will learn not only "about" what makes an effective public narrative, but will learn experientially through practice drafting each narrative component - a story of self, story of us, and story of now. Students will leave with an understanding of how their calling to leadership connects with their community and can motivate others to action.