Our Mission is “To guide, nurture and enhance spiritual and religious life within the Stanford University community.” Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey, we are here for you!

ORSL Spiritual Care Team
ORSL Deans and Chaplain Associates are all available for spiritual care visits. To schedule a time to speak with a specific chaplain, please email them to make an appointment. You can find the emails by clicking into their profiles below. If you would like spiritual care but are not sure who to talk to, please email us at spiritualcare@stanford.edu.
Associate Dean for Religious & Spiritual Life and Advisor for Muslim Life
Associate Dean for Religious & Spiritual Life and Campus Rabbi
Universal Enlightenment and Flourishing Chaplain Associate
Associate Dean for Religious & Spiritual Life and Director of Student Engagement
Dean for Religious & Spiritual Life
Senior Associate Dean for Religious & Spiritual Life and Pastor of Memorial Church